Thanks to talented illustrator Ryan Hipp, PiBoIdMo participants now have a badge to proudly display on their blogs. (see on the right) I found this on Tara Lazar’s Blog – http://taralazar.wordpress.com. She has a great day-by-day blog for Picture book writers.
Mouse Update: The mice are gone. There were seven mice not three. Tiny little guys with big ears, big eyes and long tails. I caught them with a live trap called a “Tom Cat” a very easy, very effective way to trap studio mice in case anyone needs one. Now I am finding little bits of evidence all around my studio. They seem to have a very refined palate, it seems they like watercolor papers, handmade fiber papers, satin ribbons, tissue paper and postage stamps. I have found some very beautiful, colorful sleeping quarters in some unusual places; the bottom of my brush holder vase, under the file folders in my roll top desk and even behind my “How to Draw Animals” books…good choice. Next time I bring a box in from storage in the garage, I’m checking the contents for stow-aways before it comes in the studio.
Happy PiBoldMo!
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